With twitter, ‘blurb’ is the word! You have just 280 characters to make an impact.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit.
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief.
-William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Remember these Twitter basics:
Your user name should clearly identify YOU as the user
Understand how to use hashtags
Learn Twitter lingo (https://www.lifewire.com/basic-twitter-lingo-3288850)
Tweet regularly (twice daily)
Ask questions of your followers
Engage in discussions. Tweet at others(use @),retweet(RT),reply to tweets, like tweets
Follow a lot of people/groups related to you, your practice, your interests
Keep up with trending topics (check daily even if you’re not tweeting daily)
Automatically schedule your tweets
Add a picture or video to a tweet every now and then
Have a link to your website on your profile
Looking for some inspiration? Check out our twitter @Stafford_Commun
For more information, please e-mail us at Lisa@staffordcommunicationsinc.com